Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, a Digital Edition

Plate 3.6: Waynflete School and Richard Patten Monument (Original Explanatory Account)


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The Monument of Bishop WAINFLETE’S Father;
and a view of the School at Wainflete.

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the name of Patten are yet remaining in the rank of gentry in Lancashire. Dr. Budden adds, his family, though not very eminent, was a good one; familia non perinde celebri atque honestâ.

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Winchester, viz. only daughter and heir of Richard Patten (alias Barbour) of Waynflete, father of the foresaid William of Waynflete late bishop, &c.11 From which it appears, that from this specifying himself of Waynflete12, the bishop dropped his paternal, and assumed the local name altogether13. Dr. Budden thinks this was owing to his having been born there; not attending to the customary practice of assuming names from lands or manors, as well as from birth-places14.

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Pietas ejus et munificentia qua domum Dei
et symbola sacra excoluit,
dum stabit hoc templum et mensa sancta,
in memoria semper erunt.
Apparatus magnifici nimium et superbi,
quos vivus semper fugit,
mortuo parum convenirent,
sed marmor hoc qualemcunque
amoris et observantiæ mnemosynen.
Thomas Shaw, rector de Wyberton16,
fratri carissimo atque amantissimo olim suo,
majora merito mœrens posuit.
Abi, lector, et tu semper paratus esto;
Nam qua non putas hora venturus est Dominus.
[see end of document for translation]

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The FREE-SCHOOL which bishop Wainflete founded 1459 is now the principal ornament of the town. It is handsomely built of brick, and was originally intended as a chapel, endowed with pretty good revenue, to pray for his own soul, and the souls of his ancestors. At the West end are two turrets; the South serves as a stair-case, the North carries a bell, on which is this inscription:

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